10/9/14 ALA Currents Features Heinans 2015 Tech Predictions

In their October 2014 issue, ALA Currents shared Heinan’s tech predictions for 2015.  Read the full Special Feature below!

What’s Next in Tech for 2015?
By Heinan Landa

This year was stagnant for information technology (IT); there were no significant hardware innovations, and industry leaders were consumed with reactively responding to increasingly complex and widespread cyberattacks. While improvements were made in software and security applications, 2014, from a technology innovation perspective, was pretty boring. With a new year around the corner, and the market eager for something fresh, here are the top five technology trends you can expect to see in 2015.

1. Wearing IT, Working IT: 2015 will be the year that wearable technology evolves. This provides significant time for competitors to do what the marketplace has, thus far, failed to do: create wearable technology that is fully functional — and fashionable.

2. Cloudy with a Chance of Clouds: The stampede to the cloud will grow stronger in 2015. As information systems expire, an ever-increasing number of businesses will realize the cost effectiveness of putting their servers, workstations and entire IT networks into the cloud.

3. Windows 10 Is Sublime: 2015 will usher in the end of Windows 8; even those who tried to get on board with the latest operating system will abandon it when Microsoft releases the next generation of Windows software. The prevailing thought is that Microsoft has learned some hard lessons from the release of Windows 8 and that the next release of Windows will be more functional and user-friendly — and widely adopted for both personal and business use.

4. Security Surge: More cyberattacks occurred in 2013 and 2014 than in any previous years. Unfortunately, this trend is going to continue in 2015. Next year will see significant increases in IT security spending as businesses invest in higher-grade performance firewalls, extra levels of security, and periodic security audits to ensure protection.

5. Connectivity Rebellion: 2015 will see an increase in the rebellion against always being connected, always on. Businesses will put firm work stop times in place and provide tips to improve work-life balance, effectiveness, productivity and more.


Heinan Landa is the Chief Executive Officer of Optimal Networks, Inc., a Rockville, Maryland-based IT company that works with chief executive officers to provide comprehensive and strategic IT support, management, and consulting services.

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