Optimal Insights

Plain-English answers to your questions about technology best practices.

How Poor IT Support Threatens Cybersecurity

You don’t need us to tell you how an unresponsive helpdesk impacts productivity and morale within your organization. Law firms and associations come to us all the time with precisely this problem, and they know exactly what would cost them to not solve it. We also understand why you might

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Yes, You Should Probably Replace that Windows 10 Machine

Microsoft’s Windows 10 Operating System reaches end of life October 14, 2025. If you remember the end of Windows 7, you’ll know that “end of life” means Microsoft will no longer offer security patches, bug fixes, or updates to that operating system. Running a machine outside of manufacturer’s support is

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How to Build an Effective Business Continuity Plan

There’s a budding misconception that the prevalence of cloud computing has brought about the obsolescence of business continuity planning. We’ve been in the IT industry since before the internet was a thing and we’ve been preaching the benefits of cloud computing since we had to define what “the cloud” even

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